Its almost as if God looked down upon the dirty streets of New York, looked into my hazy, stoned eyes and said, "Its your party, you can cry if you want to", and dangled this little gem in front of my face, laughing at its ridiculous price tag and the moths in my wallet. Hey, its my birthday, and I can dream if I want to.
Rather haunting and gothic, Delfina Delettrez's "Hand Bracelet" is the ultimate piece of unconventional hand-candy. Made of silver, gold and (my birthstone) ruby, each skeletal finger has a ring to put your own fingers through. And the joints are hinged to actually imitate your own fingers. Its like wearing your bones on the outside, if your bones were silver and gold and worth $8,310.00.
Guys, if its not too much to ask, this is what I want for my birthday. Thanks!
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