I. Die.

Chairlift up for MTV Video award!!!!!!!!!
Chairlift has had a fucking good year for a new band. When I met them back in September, they had just gotten word on the use of their song, Bruises, for an iPod commercial which has launched a myriad of success for them and general fame. And now, their AWESOME video for Evident Utensil off of their baby album, Does You Inspire You, directed by Ray Tintori is up for an MTV Video Award for Best Breakthrough video.
Watch the video, posted above, and go vote for them! Good luck guys!
Blonde on Blonde.

Earth Angel.

I was window-shopping on the internet and I came across my friend Jess (and Josh's) blog which I used to read all the time because it was funny and clever and they're both very angry young people. But she had this to say about Olivia Bee's flickr page and I'm totally fighting back tears in my office; "They remind me of being young and in love. I’m still young and I’m still in love (do we ever really fall out of it?) but one doesn’t hurt at all and one always, always does."
And now I'm wondering why there is a constant reoccuring theme in my life based on young love and all the purity that surrounds this concept. Maybe I'm not the only one who feels this way. Anyway, the pictures are beautiful and dreamy, check them out.
Im a survivor.

Ever since I was a little kid, I've had an obsession with survival kits. I used to make them out of empty shoe boxes and first aid kits and put everything from socks to mini shampoo bottles in them. The obsession didn't get any better when I read Steven Kings novel The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. A stray from his usual horror stories, this novel is about a girl who gets lost in the woods and listens to baseball to keep herself motivated to live and be found. Anyway, needless to say, I've been looking for the perfect little first aid kit, and I think I found the best: Lifeline Ultralight Survival kit is $15 and has everything you need to make it in the great outdoors. Taking up about as much room as a buncha postcards, the kit includes waterproof matches, an 80" x 50" emergency blanket, 50 ft. of fishing line with four hooks and sinker weights, a surgical blade, five wound closure strips, a map compass, emergency whistle, three feet of duct tape, and more, all in an included waterproof carrying case. I would add water purifying pills and a nail file, and then you can be on your way.
Nothing like a good home cooked meal.

Even though I don't have a family, nor do I have trouble feeding myself on work nights, I love the concept and execution behind Susie's Supper Club. Susie, who started out as a private chef for a family with 3 kids, has learned how to make natural delicious meals with various proteins that healthy and well portioned! And they deliver it to your door. In general, if it can be delivered, I love it. All you have to do it call up a day in advance, put in your order either by phone or online and they delivery it for dinner the next day. Did I mention they also have picnic meals prepared? SWOON.
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